
#m2s RACE fairings

105,00 380,00 


developed and produced in Germany


Constantly improved by inhouse development – see IMPROVEMENTS below in “additional information”

This shop item contains the single fairing parts only!

Colour: white (gel coat) 


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universally applicable fairing specially developed for stock bikes incl. bracket


  • fairings in regular GRP material
  • developed and produced in Germany with focus on fitting accuracy and surface finish
  • delivered with rubber plugs in the belly for fast release of liquids (according to FIM regulations)


carenado de aplicación universal desarrollado especialmente para bicicletas de serie, incluido el soporte de bloque


  • carenado en material GRP
  • desarrollado y producido en Alemania, con especial atención a la precisión de ajuste y el acabado de la superficie
  • se suministra con tapón de goma en la bandeja ventral para un rápido drenaje de los líquidos (de acuerdo con la normativa de la FIM)


eine Verkleidung, die speziell für serienmäßige Motorräder entwickelt wurde inkl. Verkleidungshalter


  • Verkleidung in GRP-Material
  • entwickelt mit Fokus auf Passgenauigkeit und Oberflächenfinish
  • Lieferung mit Gummistopfen im Bug zum schnellen Ablassen von Flüssigkeiten (gemäß FIM-Reglement)

Additional information

Weight 0,5 kg

1) improved aerodynamics (less turbulences)
2) improved air exchange preventing heat spot arround muffler area (2013+)
3) improved bracket system for windshield (performance vs. riders height)
4) adjusted design for lower fairing to foster moto2 impression

5) increased durability for wind shield brackets
6) new developed brackets for increased fitting for the Street Triple 765
7) improved belly for the SC-Project full exhaust system
8) improved side panels for easier heat release from the engine
9) reduced weight on the fairing kit
10) trimlines for gen1 and gen2
11) implemented aramid layers for improved stability of the fitting spots
12) intakes are delivered in carbon for a great cockpit design

12) increased number of layers for improved stability & better durability without affecting the price
13) improved fitting of intake for motoholders fairing stay
14) added shaded wind screen basic with small bubble
15) fairing stays especially for the #moto2style fairing kit now availabe


High quality GRP fiber mash material combined with a durable gel coat provides a maximum of product longevity. The surface of our products are already perfectly even and without pores or inclusions. The GRP fibers are layered very compact with a minimum of epoxy resin in order to provide a minimum of wheight and a maximum of flexibility enforced by one last layer of aramid fibres to reinforce connection points on top of that.

engine visible

open sides to improve temperature management – alternator; especially for gen1 and gen2 bikes


Please be aware that after sales racing products might need adjustments for your individual bike. Especially a set of fairings comes with the risk of trimming depending on your individual configuration (i.e. exhaust, engine crash covers).
We are doing our best to deliver a perfect product but such adjustments cannot be prevented 100% – for example the Daytona 2006 until 2012 requires a trim around the engine covers (these trimlines are integrated into the product).

Always fit the fairings to the bike before painting!


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